- Curfew is lifted - Obligatory closing hours of shop and catering units are lifted as well
- Wearing masks in public outdoor spaces is not mandatory
- Private events can be held up to 50 people without restrictions
- Indoor events can only be visited by those who have the Covid-19 immunity card
- Outdoor events can be held up to 500 people
- Curfew changes to: 10.00PM - 05.00 AM
- Shops can reopen from 05.00 AM to 09.30 PM - with the restriction that only 1 customer per 10m2 is allowed
- Service providers can reopen
- Restaurant and other catering facilities are remaining closed - takeaway & home delivery is still possible
Starting from (11/11)
Curfew from 8.00 PM until 05.00 AM
those who are going to work or coming from work are the only exception
All gatherings are forbidden
Restaurants are closed, only delivery is possible (factory canteens may be open)
Shops, hairdressers, and other craft service providers close at 7PM.
A general ban on events will take effect
On family or private gatherings maximum 10 people can take part
Sport events can be held behind closed gates
Amateur team sports are prohibited
Outdoor sports are allowed (when NOT in team)
Leisure facilities, gyms, indoor swimming pools, theatres, museums, zoos should be kept closed
Hotels can only accommodate business guests, not tourists.
curfew from midnight until 05.00 AM
clubs (but NOT pubs) are closed permanently
in cinemas, theatres, sports events you can sit only at every third chair
in restaurants, entertainment venues and sporting events you are ONLY allowed to take off your mask when drinking or eating!
(Previous rules are still valid)
Wearing a mask is mandatory not only on public transport and groceries, but also in cinemas, theatres, museums, libraries as well as in health and social institutions, public service and postal customer service
Wearing a mask properly means that both your nose and mouth are covered
Nightclubs, pubs, restaurants (whether it’s in indoors or outdoors) are all going to be closed at 11pm - 500 person limit in an event is still alive
Not wearing a mask involves serious sanctions: you can be obliged to get off the vehicle and you may be fined in the amount of 50 000 HUF
