International Dinner Facebook cover photo

Dear International Students,

We would like to invite you to ESN ELTE's special food festival! Bring your country's most delicious meals and show us your cooking skills! All who fill the registration form below, will have a place to present their work.

We will go around the tables and taste everything.

ESN ELTE cooking contest also takes place here!
The jury with high tasting skills will decide which food(s) will win a bottle of wine for its country's table as well as a certificate of being the best chef of ESN ELTE!

After the feast, there is going to be a presentation of Hungarian Folklore singing and dancing after which, you can also learn some steps from the dancers!
If you want to present your own countries' traditional dance moves and songs you can totally do so! Just fill out the registration form!


  • International Dinner by ESN ELTE: 17.30
  • Folklore singing and dancing presentations: ~18.45

Entrance is FREE!
However, we kindly ask you to bring some food if you can because the event will only be enjoyable for everyone that way!

Join us and try several new kind of delicious food from different places of the world!

Special thanks to the Student Committees' of Faculty of Informatics, Sciences and Education and Psychology for helping us make this event possible!

09/03/2017 - 17:30 to 20:00
Kazinczy utca 23-27.
What's included: 
  • International Dinner
  • Folklore singing and dancing
Contact details: 
Adrienn Szabó -
  • Everyone is invited.